How does having a back up doula work?

Having a solid backup plan as a community birth care professional is key to providing exceptional care and support during pregnancy and childbirth. As a professional doula in Tucson, serving Southern Arizona, you’ll get the highest standard of care even when a back up doula has to get called in. Your primary doula will do everything in their ability to be the one there for you, but in the unlikely event of needing a back up, you’ll know you are still in the best of hands!

With Sacred Moments Doulas, we are intentional about building a team of professionals who align with our philosophy and commitment to supporting pregnant individuals and their families. When I’m unable to be present for a birth, ensuring the right backup is in place is critical to my clients. The families we support deserve the highest level of care, and that begins with a thoughtful, well-prepared backup plan.

We’ve selected our back up doula with these important factors in mind:

**Compatibility:** Will the backup doula align well with the client and their support team?

**Skill Set:** Does the backup have complementary or similar skills that align with the client’s preferred birth experience?

Our clients deserve a carefully selected and prepared professional who understands their needs and preferences. Our back up system ensures the continuity of care and maintains the trust they’ve placed in us.

For families interviewing potential doulas, asking about the backup plan should be a priority. If the doula is not part of a team, request to meet the backup in advance. This is your big day, and you deserve to feel confident that the support you’ve hired is both qualified and a good fit for your family.

At Sacred Moments Doulas in Tucson and Sierra Vista, we’re committed to supporting every pregnant individual with professionalism, compassion, and care. Whether you’re preparing for your first baby or adding to your family, having a trusted doula ensures you’ll receive the support you deserve for this life-changing experience.


Payment Options to Afford Doula Services


Nutrition During Pregnancy